
S/W Design & Development

Specialized Telecom solutions developed in-house

Based on our technological expertise and our extended industry know-how we design and develop specialized s/w applications that address the needs of Telecom organizations or generic enterprises with complex telecom infrastructure.


A comprehensive solution for inventory management and cost control addressing the needs of enterprises with moderate to complex telecom infrastructure. Trough it’s simple yet intuitive user interface, TelEXP helps organizations to minimize manual process, reduce errors, control telecom costs, and manage effectively complex network infrastructure. The system supports all network types and technologies (fixed, mobile, data) as well as all physical network elements.

Ergoman - TelExp
Ergoman - esurvey

E - Survey

Site Surveys is one of the key business processes in the Carrier & topology network backhaul interconnection department of a telecom operator. E-Survey is a solution that streamlines all related processes providing significant optimization on all stages of the site survey (preparation, field visit, evaluation).  Additionally E-Survey provides real-time survey results, capability for online/offline operation and remote office functionality.